The Balkan Society of Geometers is an international nonprofit organization.
The rules of the Society and the application form are available on request.

With deep regret, the members of the Balkan Society of Geometers express their condolences for the sudden death of
Professor Emeritus Constantin UDRISTE,
the President of the Balkan Society of Geometers, and Editor in Chief of its journals BJGA, DGDS, APPS and BSGP.
He was an internationally outstanding Romanian Mathematician, Professor at the Faculty of Applied Sciences - University Politehnica of Bucharest.
Memento - Professor Constantin Udriste


== UPDATE / 2020 ==


Art.1. The Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG), is a professional, independent, non-guvernamental, non-patrimonial, non-political and non-profit society, which has a juridical personality and participates to the progress of science in the Balkan zone and worldwide, in the field of Geometry and its Applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Architecture, Engineering, etc. It organises activities with laboring character in its fields of concern.

Art.2. The centre of BSG is located in Bucharest, within Department of Mathematics-Informatics, University Politehnica of Bucharest (Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest, RO-060042, Romania).


Art.3. BSG represents the framework within which the geometers and other specialists from the Balkan area (physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers and architects) exchange informations, study and debate up-to-date problems concerning the evolution of geometry and its applications, providing the unfaltering progress of mathematics and the capitalization of the scientific heritage of the valuable scientists from the Balkan area.
BSG pays great attention to specializing and elevating its young members in the fields of pure and applied geometry. It organizes scientific meetings, publishes journals of geometry and its applications, and provides a centre of documentation for the members of the society; it establishes and developes cooperation relations with similar organizations from the Balkans and from worldwide countries.

Art.4. In order to achieve the objectives listed above, BSG developes the following activities:
- organizes at most each two years the Conference of Geometry and Applications (renamed as "Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems");
- elaborates research monographs in pure and applied geometry or its applications, and facilitates their editing;
- issues the journal entitled "Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications" and related Mathematics journals (APPS, DGDS, BSGP);
- organizes exchanges of print and electronic publications with similar organizations;
- ensures exchanges of experience and documentation visits;
- organizes the Documentation Centre of the Society which comprises books, journals, projects, studies, monographs, scientific reports, DVDs, scientific films, etc.
- organizes workshops for the young geometers, physicists, etc., and also invites lecturing researchers;
- informs the members of BSG regarding the major scientific events in Geometry, and promotes their individual participation to such events;
- provides recommendations for its members.


Can become members of BSG those mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers, architects and economists whose field of activity is education, research, design, industry, and which fulfill the following conditions:
- work in the field of pure and applied geometry;
- use the geometric concepts in their own scientific branch;
- have a correct profesional-moral behaviour;
- apply for BSG membership and regularly pay the membership fee.
Eligible applicants for becoming BSG members:
- individuals (geometers and other specialists whose research area relates to pure and applied geometry);
- juridic persons (academic, educational or scientific societies and institutions) which provide support to BSG in its activity.
Membership in BSG is irrespective of religious beliefs, political affiliation, ethnic origin, colour, sex or other human and societal aspects.

Art.6. The registration of individuals to BSG is based on an application in which the activity of the solicitor and his connection to the field of pure and applied geometry, are briefly presented.
The registration to BSG can be requested at its main center, or any of its branches.
The registration request is approved by the Director Committee of BSG, or by the Managing Board of a branch.
The participants to the General Meeting of Foundation BSG become automatically its members, being considered as founding members.
The individuals which are members of BSG maintain this quality even in case that their professional activity declines due to retirement circumstances.

Art.7. The Director Committee can offer the title of Member of Honor of BSG to scientific personalities from worldwide, which manifest their support towards BSG.

Art.8. The admission of juridical persons as BSG members is approved exclusively by the Director Committee.

Art.9. The members of BSG have the following rights:
- to elect and to be elected in the leadership of BSG;
- to take part in deliberative voting for taking decisions in BSG meetings;
- to participate in the scientific meetings organized by BSG;
- to use the printed and electronic public scientific resources of BSG;
- to collaborate with the journals edited by BSG;
- to possess the BSG member card.

Art.10. The BSG members have the following responsabilities:
- to help and participate to the achievement of the objectives of BSG;
- to represent a model of ethical, professional and moral behaviour;
- to pay regularly the membership fee.

Art.11. The payment of the membership fee is waived for the Members of Honor and for the members of the BSG Director Committee.

Art.12. The BSG members which do not fulfill anylonger the Statute requirements lose their membership quality, by the decision of the Director Committee or of the leading Boards of the local branch.


Art.13. The activity of BSG is organized on scientific and teritorial considerations. In each Balkan country (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey and former Yugoslavia) in which exist at least 10 members of BSG, there can be created a branch of BSG. The constitutive application must be approved by the BSG Director Committee.

Art.14. The factors of decision in BSG are:
- The Conference of BSG;
- The Director Committee of BSG;
- The President and Vice-Presidents;
- The permanent Secretaries of the BSG branches.

Art.15. The BSG Conference (now abbr. DGDS) is the deciding factor of BSG, which meets each two years in one of the Balkan countries.
The BSG Conference welcomes the attendance of the delegates of the branches of BSG. The representation amount is established by the Director Committee.
The BSG Conference is considered statutory if the number of present delegates is one half plus one of the total number of elected delegates. The decisions are adopted in case of simple majority of the present participants.
The BSG Conference has the following functions:
- debates the reports of the BSG Director Committee and of the Audit Commission;
- analyses and approves the financial activity of BSG;
- decides the strategy and the development of the activity of BSG;
- elects by secret voting the Director Committee; at the proposal of Director Committee, it elects the President of BSG and confirms the auditors;
- it is enabled to modify the Statute of BSG;

Art.16. The BSG Director Committee ensures the leadership of the BSG Branches between two Conferences, and is desirably formed of:
- a president, which is elected - by turns - from each Balkan country;
- a vice-president from each Balkan country;
- an executive secretary from Bucharest, which is the permanent secretary of the Romanian branch.
The Director Committee has the following functions:
- ensures the achievement of the objectives established by the Conference of BSG;
- confirms the permanent secretaries of the branches;
- establishes the activity programs of BSG;
- takes operative decisions regarding the activity of BSG;
- coordinates and controls the activity of BSG, approves the yearly budget, the amount and structure of the employed staff;
- approves the Editorial Board of the journal BJGA, APPS, DGDS and BSGP.

Art.17. Between two sessions of the Director Committee the permanent leadership of BSG is provided by the president, vice-presidents and the executive secretary.

Art.18. The activity of BSG is controlled by an auditor which verifies the attending of the basic budget level and the management of the material background of BSG, and presents yearly surveys to the Director Committee and once two year, reports to the Conference of BSG.

Art.19. The permanent secretaries of the teritorial Branches assure the control of the branches between two Conference of the branch and administrate the financial funds of the Society from the corresponding country.
The permanent secretary of the teritorial Branch is elected by the meeting of its members at the same time with the election of the delegates for the Conference of BSG, and is confirmed by the Director Committee of BSG.
The permanent secretary of the Branch has the following responsabilities:
- organizes the achievement of the objectives which are established by the Conference of BSG and by the Director Committee of BSG;
- establishes the activity program of the Branch and organizes activities which are specific for the Branch;
- debates the problems which occur in the activity of the Branch and takes operative decisions;
- one consults with the Director Committee of BSG concerning the operative activity;
- answers for the good administration of the funds and goods of the Branch;
- presents yearly the activity report to the Conference of the Branch;
- convenes the meeting of the Branch for the election of the delegates at the Conference of BSG.

Art.20. The BSG journals have a permanent personnel, according to the legal regulations of Romania and Greece.
The main facility of the four journals (BJGA, APPS, DGDS and BSGP) is logistically endowed by the Director Committee with the support of the members of BSG. The funds come from the comercialization of the periodicals, books and monographs printed by BSG, and also from published BSG ads and other materials for inner and onter beneficiaries, from subventions, donations and sponsorships.


Art.21. BSG represents a juridical person, in the sense of the law 21/1924; this normative document accordingly completes the present statute.

Art.22. The existence of BSG is unlimited in time. BSG has its own stamp, as well, the journal BJGA has its own stamp; these ones are in the custody of the BSG executive secretary.

Art.23. The president of BSG is elected for a period of 2 years - by turns - from each Balkan country (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, former Yugoslavia), and cannot be elected in two consecutive legislatures.

Art.24. The patrimony of BSG is provided by:
a) The social capital - 10.000 (ten thousand) lei according to CEC Receipt no 41/30.03.95;
b) The membership fees of the members and Societies which are members of BSG;
c) The subscriptions and comercialization of the journal BJGA, and other publications of BSG (books, monographs, etc);
d) Subsidies and donations;
e) Sponsorships;
f) Taxes for participation to the lectures and scientific events organized by BSG;
g) Other labouring activities from the field of concern of BSG.
The incomes of BSG will be used for financing the activities stipulated in the statute.

Art.25. The amount and the componence of the permanent personnel, wage earners and or payed will be established by the Director Committee and will be confirmed by the Conferences of BSG, according to the Romanian and the Greek legislation.

Art.26. The Statute was sanctioned by the Constituting Conference of BSG, held at the Thessaloniki University, Greece, on December 16-th, 1994.

Art.27. BSG is represented vs. juridical representatives, by its president or its vicepresidents.

Art.28. The actual statute, drawn up in Romanian and English languages can be modified or completed, after getting its juridical personality, only with the agreement of the Conference of BSG.
Signed by Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste

THE DEED IS AUTHENTICATED according to art.4 let.a and b of the Decree 377/1960.

Membership application form

The application form should be forwarded to the address:
Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste, Politehnica University of Bucharest,
Department Mathematics-Informatics, Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest RO-060042, Romania.

Personal data (please print)
First name ......................Patronymic...........................Surname .....................
Sex .............................Date of birth ........................Nationality .....................
Present employment .......................................................................................
Education ..................................Scientific degrees..........................................
Contact address .............................................................................................
Phone .............................Fax .................................E-mail .............................
Fields of interest ............................................................................................. Date.....................................................Signature ..........................................
Membership fee: $30/year, according the rules of BSG.

Aims and Scope. The Balkan Society of Geometers is an international nonprofit organization.
The rules of BSG and the application form will be sent to any person, on request.

Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (BJGA)

BJGA available both in print and electronic forms (webpage:
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without obtaining the written permission of the publisher -
(c) 1998-2020 Geometry Balkan Press. Printed in Romania.

BJGA is an international bi-annual journal. BJGA covers a wide spectrum of pure and applied mathematics, ranging from the theoretical geometry to the computational geometry and applications in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and architecture promoting especially papers presented at Carpato - Balkan meetings.
The Editorial Board takes a very active role in selecting and refereeing papers, ensuring the best quality of contemporary geometry and its applications.
BJGA will be abstracted in: Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik.

Instructions to Authors. The electronic PDF copy of the manuscript in fluent English must be submitted, completed with all illustrations, having as model the already publisjed BJGA online free articles. The submission implies that the manuscript has neither been previously published, nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere. All the submissions are assessed by two independent referees.
On the first page of the manuscript, the author should provide the title, name, abstract, subject classification, and key words. The affiliation and the complete address (including e-mail) will be written at the end of the paper.
Upon acceptance of an article, the authors will be requested to supply the Latex source, page format 13cm/20cm, character size of 10 pica via E-mail. Any paper which does not satisfy these requirements will be rejected.

Order Card
Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications ISSN 1224-2780  

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To: Balkan Society of Geometers, University Politehnica of Bucharest,
      Department Mathematics-Informatics, Splaiul Independentei 313, RO-060042 Bucharest, Romania.
      Fax: +4021.4029.622. E-mail:

To recommend Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications ISSN 1224-2780 for acquisition, complete this card and submit it to your librarian or department head.

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Correspondence address:
Balkan Society of Geometers,
Politehnica University of Bucharest,
Department Mathematics-Informatics,
Splaiul Independentei 313,
RO-060042, Bucharest, Romania,
Fax: +4021.429.622.


Rallied on December 16, 1994 at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the participants at the Conference of Founding of the BSG have mooted and have approved the Statute of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG).
The present persons decided


as professional, independent, non-guvernamental, non-patrimonial, apolitical and non-profit society, which has a juridical personality and participates to progress of science in the Balkan zone and worldwide, in the field of geometry and its applications to physics, chemistry, biology, architecture, engineering etc.
The objectives of B.S.G:
- provides the continuous progress of mathematics and capitalizes the scientific heritage of Balkan valuable scientists;
- helpes the specializing and elevating of specialists in pure and applied geometry;
- organizes scientific events;
- edits a journal of geometry and its applications;
- elaborates studies and monographs in pure and applied geometry.
Finally, the leadership was elected in the following composition:
President: Prof.Dr. Radu Miron, Romania
Vice-Presidents: Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste, Romania
Prof.Dr. Grigorios Tsagas, Greece
Prof.Dr. Grosio Stanilov, Bulgaria
Prof.Dr. Mileva Prvanovici, Yugoslavia
Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste is authorized for the signing of the founding documents at public notary, court and other competent authorities.
Place and date President,
December 16, 1994, Acad.Prof.Dr. Radu Miron
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
School of Technology
Mathematics Division


Concluded on August 20, 1994 at University of Athens, Greece, on the meeting of the founders of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG). The following gentlemen have taken part at the meeting:

1. Gr.Tsagas, Thessaloniki
2. P.C.Stavrinos, Athens
3. R.Santilli, Palm Harbour
4. A.Jannussis, Patras
5. A.Bantelas, Thessaloniki
6. N.Tsagas, Xanthi
7. C.Udriste, Bucuresti
8. R.Miron, Iasi
9. P.L.Antonelli, Alberta
10. M.Stefanescu, Constanta
11. V.Obadeanu, Timisoara
12. P.Stavre, Craiova
13. Gh.Atanasiu, Brasov
14. I.Gotlieb, Iasi
15. Gh.Zet, Iasi
16. V.Iftode, Bucuresti
17. R.Iordanescu, Bucuresti
18. S.Ianus, Bucuresti
19. L.Nicolescu, Bucuresti
20. D.Andrica, Cluj
21. V.Cruceanu, Iasi
22. M.Anastasiei, Iasi
23. M.Postolache, Bucuresti
24. V.Balan, Bucuresti
25. W.Boskoff, Constanta
26. M.Toda, USA
27. Gh.Munteanu, Brasov
28. Al.Neagu, Iasi
29. I.Comic, Novi-Sad, Yugoslavia
30. M.Prvanovic, Beograd, Yugoslavia
31. Gh.Pitis, Brasov
32. M.Craioveanu, Timisoara
33. L.Tamassy, Debrecen, Hungary

Within the framework of the meeting it was elaborated the Project of the Statute of BSG and it was decided the convocation of the Conference of Founding of the BSG for the date December 16, 1994, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Date August 20, 1994,                                               President, Acad.Prof.Dr.Doc. Radu Miron


From: Acad.Prof.Dr.R.Miron, President BSG, Romania
Prof.Dr.Constantin Udriste, Vice-President BSG, Romania
Prof.Dr.Grigorios Tsagas, Vice-President BSG, Greece
Prof.Dr.Grosio Stanilov, Vice-President BSG, Bulgaria
Prof.Dr.Mileva Prvanovici, Vice-President BSG, Yugoslavia
Subject: Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG)

A number of 33 founders from Canada, Greece, Hungary, Romania, USA and Yugoslavia brought together at University of Athens, August 20, 1994 and the participants at the Conference in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, December 16, 1994, announce the founding of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG).
BSG has the following main goals:
- to further the interests of Pure and Applied Geometry in the Balkan Area;
- to provide the continuous progress of mathematical research and scholarship, and to capitalize the scientific heritage of Balkan valuable scientists;
- to help the specializing and elevating the specilists in Pure and Applied Geometry;
- to organize scientific meetings;
- to publish Studies and Monographs in Pure and Applied Geometry, and the Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications through its publishing house "Geometry Balkan Press".
This first announcement is to be sent to all the Academies of Sciences, Mathematical Societies , Universities, Mathematical Institutes and Ministries which are kindly requested to distribute and popularize it to any possible interested institution or/and person.
To new members - welcome to the Society.
The application forms can be obtained from the Vice-President, Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste.


At the Open Forum of BSG held Monday, September 23, 1996 were analysed BSG Strategic Plan, BSG Bylaws, Membership Demographics, and were adopted the following decisions:

  1. The membership fee is $30, excepting the persons of countries with financial difficulties for whom we may accept $10.
  2. The participation fee and the membership fee for the foreign participants at FCBSG/1996 are reciprocally included, being $30.
  3. The participation fee at FCBSG/1996 for the Romanian participants is 20.000 lei.
  4. The membership fee of BSG for the Romanian participants to FCBSG/1996 is 30.000 lei.
  5. Every participant at FCBSG/1996 who paid the membership fee for 1996 will receive a free issue of BJGA, Volume 1, Number 1.
  6. A number of issues from the volumes of BJGA will be distributed free of charge to libraries and institutions of science and culture selected by the Editor-in-Chief according to the interests of BSG.
  7. Generally, an issue of BSG is sold according to the conditions specified in the following Order Card, excepting the persons and institutions in countries with financial difficulties who can purchase an issue of BJGA with reduced price but not smaller than $10.

    Order Card
    Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications ISSN 1224-2780  
    Please enter my subscription to Volume.... (2 issues):
    Institutions - 100 EU. Individuals - 60 EU (includes postage and handling)
    Check enclosed in the amount of EU ........
    Signature ......................................... Date ..........................................
    Name ..................................................................................................
    Address ..............................................................................................
    To: Balkan Society of Geometers Politehnica University of Bucharest,
          Department Mathematics I Splaiul Independentei 313 RO-060042 Bucharest, Romania,
          Fax: 4021.318.10.01
  8. The new President of BSG will be from Greece in the person of Prof.Dr. Grigorios Tsagas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He will be invested in this position at the meeting of members of BSG, participants at the workshop on Differential Geometry - Global Analysis - Lie Algebras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, June 25-29, 1997. The Vice-Presidents of BSG will not be changed. The Second Conference of Balkan Society of Geometers will be organized in Greece, 1998.
  9. The Editorial Board of BJGA will be enlarged by new members. BJGA must have an editorial team able to discover both the real creators of mathematics and the financial means which permit the publication of mathematical works. The Promoters and Founders of BJGA reserve the right of rejecting those members of the editorial team which during two years will not succeed to publish own papers, or to recommend at least one paper for publication, or to help the journal in finding financial resources.
  10. The streamlining of the editorial house Geometry Balkan Press (GBP) as well as the managing and the financial administration of the activities of BSG and GBP are entrusted to Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste.
  11. The most valuable communications at FCBSG/1996 will be selected by the Scientific Committee of FCBSG or by the Editorial Board of BJGA for publishing in Volumes of BJGA. Deadline for the manuscripts: January 15, 1997.
  12. By the decision of the Director Committee of BSG, the following professors receive the title of HONORARY MEMBER OF BSG:

President, September 23, 1996 Acad.Prof.Dr. Radu Miron  

On the Program of the First Conference of BSG

The First Conference of BSG took place at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, September 23-28, 1996. To this meeting, 85 lectures and communications have been presented by authors from: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Guineea, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Makedonia, Maroc, Poland, Romania, Spain, USA, Yugoslavia.

The most important contributions have been presented by:
Radu Miron (Iassy University) - Geometry of Higher Order,
Kostake Teleman (University of Bucharest) - On Some Symmetric Spaces,
Constantin Udriste (Politehnica University of Bucharest) - Electromagnetic Dynamical Systems, Lieven Vanhecke (University Leuven - Belgium) - Recent Topics in Riemannian Geometry,
Lajos Tamassy (University Debrecen - Hungary) - Areal Spaces not Induced by Finsler Spaces,
Dan Papuc (West University of Timisoara) - About the Positive Operators in Vector Bundles,
Robert Gardner (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - USA) - Equivalence Problems in Differential Geometry etc.
The most important discoveries:
- Higher order geometrical structures and their applications to mechanics and theoretical physics,
- New geometrical models for the movement of particles,
- New viewpoints on the equivalence of geometrical structures,
- Solutions for open problems on the theory of symmetric spaces,
- The morphology of Hamiltonian dynamical systems.

The meeting included the 26-th National Conference on Geometry and Topology and the Workshop Master and Ph. D. Students in Geometry. To this workshop many young geometers delivered interesting communications.

Close to the scientific program some additional activities took place:
- Sept 24, 1996 - Radu Rosca received the title Dr. Honoris Causa of Politehnica University of Bucharest.
- Sept 25, 1996
- Visit to the National Museum of Cotroceni;
- Sept 26, 1996 - Visit to the Parliament Palace. The Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (Vol 1, no 1) has been distributed to the participants and to some libraries.

Sponsors: Politehnica University of Bucharest, Ministry of Research and Technology, SOROS Foundation, Coca-Cola, AREXIM, Ana Co. Group.

Scientific Committee
Acad. R. Miron (Romania), Prof. Dr. Gr. Tsagas (Greece), Prof.Dr. C. Udriste (Romania),
Prof. Dr. G. Stanilov (Bulgary), Prof. Dr. S. Ianus (Romania), Prof. Dr. S. Marchiafava (Italy), Prof. Dr. N. Bokan (Yugoslavia), Prof. Dr. L. Vanhecke (Belgium).


Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Department Mathematics I, Splaiul Independen(ei 313, RO-060042 Bucharest, Romania, Fax: 4021.318.10.01, E-mail:
Prof. Dr. Stere Ianus, University of Bucharest, Fax: 4021.613.17.60, E-mail: Secretary Associate Prof. Dr. Vasile Iftode, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Department Mathematics I.
Date, September 30, 1996 ,                 Organizer, Vice-President, Prof.Dr. C.Udriste.

of the Meeting of Investiture of the New President of BSG

Concluded on June 26, 1997 at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, on the opening ceremonies of Workshop on
1) Differential Geometry, Global Analysis, Lie Algebras,
2) Mathematics and Aristotles.

Based on the decision of the FCBSG/1996, the members of BSG, participants at the preceding Workshop, invested Prof.Dr. Grigorios Tsagas as president of BSG for the next two years. Also the Director Committee of BSG awarded Acad. Prof. Dr. Radu Miron the title of Honorary President of BSG. Honorary President, Acad.Prof.Dr. Radu Miron Date, President, June 26, 1997 Prof.Dr. Grigorios Tsagas VicePresident, Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste.

The Second Conference of Balkan Society of Geometers
The Workshop on Global Analysis, Differential Geometry, Lie Algebras
June 24-27, 1998, Thessaloniki, Greece  


Prof. Dr. A.Asada, Conf. Dr. M.Postolache, Prof. Dr. N. Bokan, Prof. Dr. R.Santilli,
Prof. Dr. Th.Buhaescu, Prof. Dr. G.Stanilov, Conf. Dr. V.Boskoff, Prof. Dr. L.Tamassy,
Prof. Dr. A.Jannussis, Prof. Dr. Gr.Tsagas, Prof. Dr. S. Ianus, Prof. Dr. C.Udriste,
Prof. Dr. R.Miron, Prof. Dr. C.Wolf .


Department of Mathematics and Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 54006, GREECE Tel: (031) 995973 Fax: (031) 996155 e-mail:


1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. Ministry of Education and Religion
3. Ministry of Culture
4. Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
5. Municipality of Kalamaria    


1) The Second Conference approves the financial activity (Balance Sheets 1996, 1997) and the Strategic Plan of BSG.

2) The Third Conference of Balkan Society of Geometers will be organized in Romania, 2000.

3) For Greek members of BSG we may accept a membership fee of $20.

4) The most valuable communications at SCBSG/1998 will be selected by the Scientific Committee of SCBSG or by the Editorial Board of BJGA for publishing in Proceeding or in Volumes of BJGA. The deadline for the Latex version of the manuscripts is September 1, 1998. June 26, 1998. President, Prof.Dr. Grigorios Tsagas.

Modifications and Additions of the Statute
Approved of the BSG Conference of July 31 - August 3, 2000

Art.4. - edits and prints scientific journals; - coordinates the Editing "Geometry Balkan Press", organized within BSG by Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste according to Romanian laws; - will establishes the "Balkan University of Sciences" which will have its own status.

Art.6. The registration of individual members in BSG will be made by completing the "Application form" which is considered as application for membership.

Art.9. - to initiate projects in the name of BSG. - to collaborate to the journals published by BSG.

Art. 13. A branch of BSG may/or may not have juridic status. A branch with juridic status has its own patrimony, which is distinct of BSG one.

Art.14. The leadership bodies of BSG are:
- The General Meeting of BSG;
- The Director Committee of BSG;
- The Commission of Censors.

Art.15. The BSG Conference is the main decision factor of BSG and it meets once a year in one of the Balkan countries.

Art.16. The Director Committee is elected once in 4 years and consists of:
- A president-elected in turn, from each of the Balkan countries;
- Vice-presidents from Balkan countries, with preponderence from Romania;
- Honorary presidents;
- The executive secretary (from Bucharest);
- The permanent secretaries of the local branches.

Art.17. Between two meetings of the Director Committee, the permanent coordination of BSG is fulfilled by an Executive Bureau, composed of the president and 2 vice-presidents.

Art.18. The activity of BSG is inspected by a Commission of Censors, which is elected once in 4 years.

Art.19. The leadership bodies of a local branch of BSG with juridical status are:
- The General Council of the branch (which meets each year);
- The Director Council (President, Vice-presidents, Permanent Secretary) elected once in 4 years;
- Censor - elected once in 4 years.
The leadership bodies of a branch has similar tasks to the ones of BSG, and their decisions have to be approved by the leadership bodies of BSG.

Art.20. The Editing House "Geometry Balkan Press" and the Journals of BSG develop their activity following their own rules, which are approved by the General Meeting of BSG. They may have permanently hired staff.

Art.21. BSG has a juridic status, in the sense of the Ordonance no 26 of January 30, 2000, this normative document completing accordingly the present status.

President, Prof.Dr. Grigorios Tsagas                          Vice-President, Prof.Dr. C-tin Udriste

Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG)
Department of Mathematics I,
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest, Romania
August 1, 2000

Decisions of the Director Committee for the activity in
Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG),
Geometry Balkan Press (GBP) and
Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (BJGA)

  1. The decisions in the name of BSG, GBP and BJGA will be taken by the following Executive Bureau: Prof. Dr. Grigorios Tsagas, Prof.Dr. Constantin Udriste, Prof.Dr. Mihai Anastasiei, using the rule of majority.
  2. All the activities of BSG must respect the Romanian law. Every member of the Society has the right to initiate a project using die name of BSG. After approval of the project, all the activities are developed under the rules of BSG.
  3. For each book or journal produced by GBP, there will be written Editor in-Chief on the cover one of the three members of the Executive Bureau, namely those who satisfies the conditions: has Romanian lawful approval to be Editorial Counsellor; edit, publish and distribute the respective work; assure the financial administration of the respective work.
  4. Each of the three members of the Executive Bureau has the obligation to accept for publication only camera ready papers or books. Any inadequate work will be rejected by the Editor-in-Chief.
  5. Each member of the Executive Bureau must inform the other two about his plan to be involved in the activities of BSG like Editor-in-Chief. He needs the acceptance of at least one of the other two partners.
  6. The Financial administration of the activities of BSG is entrusted to one of the members of Executive Bureau. The major investements of BSG must be approved by all the members of Executive Bureau.
  7. Every six month the three members of the Executive Bureau will inform reciprocally about the economical-administrative problems of BSG in which they were involved.

President, Prof. Dr. Grigorios Tsagas

The 4-th International Conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers,
The Conference of Geometry and Its Applications in Technology,
25-30 June 2002, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Conference Sponsors from Greece

1. Ministry of Cultural Affairs 2. Ministry of Education and Religion 3. Prefecture of Thessaloniki 4. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 5. Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 6. Deanship of the School of Engineering 7. Department of Informatics Mathematics and Physics of the School of Engineering 8. Aristotelio Kollegio Thessaloniki


Prof. M.R.Adhikari (INDIA), Prof. M.Anastasiei (ROMANIA), Prof. A.Asada (JAPAN), Prof. Gh.Atanasiu (ROMANIA), Prof. V.Balan (ROMANIA), Prof. A.Jannousis (HELLAS), Prof. W.Klingenberg (GERMANY), Prof. R.Miron (ROMANIA), Prof. M.Mizushima (USA), Prof. Z.Olszak (POLAND), Prof. D.Papadopoulos (HELLAS), Prof. P.Popescu (ROMANIA), Prof. R.Santilli (USA), Prof. Z. Shen (USA), Prof. Y.Shikata (JAPAN), Prof. K.Shiohama (JAPAN), Prof. P.Stavrinos (HELLAS), Prof. Gr.Tsagas (HELLAS), Prof. C.Udriste (ROMANIA), Prof. G.Zet (ROMANIA)

Participants from: Bulgaria, Fyrom, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, USA

Conference Topics: Riemann-Finsler-Lagrange geometry, Lie algebras and actions of Lie groups, non-commutative geometry, applications of geometry in relativity and pattern recognition, geometric dynamics nad numerical simulations, fiber bundles, hyperstructures, supermanifolds, lattice-fuzzy geometry, finite elements method.

Report at the General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometrs (BSG)
August 30, 2005, Callatis Lyceum, Mangalia, Romania


  1. The reports of the Director Committee and of the Censors Committee for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. The approval of the activity of BSG.
  2. The approval for the development strategy of BSG
  3. The election of the Director Committee and nomination of the functions in this Committee.
  4. The election of the Executive Board 5. The election of the Censor Committee
  5. Diverse issues.

Attendance: 30 members of BSG, from the participants of "The V-th Conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers"

Presidium: 1. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste (Vice-President of BSG);
2. Prof.dr. Mihai Anastasiei (Vice-President of BSG);
3. Prof.dr. Gheorghe Atanasiu (Vice-President of BSG).

Works of the assembly:

1. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste presents the Reports of the Director Committee for the period 2000-2005. The Reports of the Director Committee refer to the number of the members, membership fees, scientific journals published by BSG and the support of the specialists of the Editorial Boards, the Proceedings Volumes published by BSG and the merits of the Editors, the books published by BSG and their widespreading in the mathematical world, the Scientific Conferences organized by BSG and Conference to which BSG has contributed as supporter.

The reports of the Censor Committee for the period 2000-2005 were presented by Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste too. It referred to debits/credits, incomes/payments, sponsorships, funds available in the bank according to the accounting documents. At the end, by open ballot, unanimously, was approved the activity of BSG for the period 2000-2005.

2. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste presented the development strategy of BSG. Prof.dr. Mihai Anastasiei proposed that BSG be implied in research Grants, according to the existing laws. As well, he sugests that other members of BSG might help as well with the Editorial activity for the journals and the Proceedings Volumes of BSG. All these were approved unanimously, by ballot.

3. The election of the Director Committee of BSG. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste proposes to meintain as Honorary President Professor Radu Miron. The proposal is unanimously voted. Prof.dr. Gheorghe Atanasiu proposes Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste as President of BSG. The proposal is unanimously voted. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste proposes the following Vice-Presidents: Vladimir Balan, Gheorghe Zet, P.C.Stavrinos, Gabriel Propoaie, Gheorghe Atanasiu, Mihai Anastasiei, Stere Ianus, Paul Popescu, K. Trencevski, Virgil Obadeanu, Wladimir Boskoff. The proposal is unanimously voted. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste proposes as Executive Secretary Prof.dr. Vasile Iftode. The proposal is unanimously voted.

4. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste Proposes that the Executive Board to be formed by: Constantin Udriste, Mihai Anastasiei and Gabriel Pripoaie. The proposal is unanimously voted.

5. Prof.dr. Emil Stoica proposes the Censor Committee: Aneta Udriste, Marcela Popescu, Marius Paun. The proposal is unanimously voted.

6. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste proposes the inclusion of Prof.dr. Stere Ianus in the Editorial Board of BJGA. The proposal is unanimously voted. Prof.dr. Gabriel Pripoaie proposes that the volume BJGA dedicated to Dan Barbilian (110 years from birth) to be edited by Wladimir Boskoff. The proposal is unanimously voted. Prof.dr. Constantin Udriste describes positive and negative aspects regarding the BSG journals.

General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG),
30 August 2008 * Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania

at The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2008)
The V-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics(MENP-5),
August 29 - September 02, 2008, Mangalia, Romania

Report at the General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG), 30 August, 2008

1. The Reports of the Director Committee and of the Censors Committee for 2006, 2007, 2008. The approval of the activity of BSG.
2. The approval for the development strategy of BSG.
3. The election of the Director Committee and nomination of the functions in this committee.
4. The election of the Executive Board.
5. The election of the Censor Committee.
6. Diverse issues.

Attendance: 30 members of BSG from the participants of The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2008) and The V-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics(MENP-5), August 29 - September 02, 2008 Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania.

1. Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste (President of BSG)
2. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Teodor Pripoae (Vice-President of BSG)
3. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Atanasiu (Vice-President of BSG)

Works of the assemby.

1. Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste presents the Reports of the Director Committee for the period 2006-2008. These Reports refer to the number of members, membership fees, sientific journals published by BSG (4 journals) and the support of the editorial board members, the books published by BSG and their dissemination in the mathematical world, the Scientific Conferences organized by BSG and conferences to which BSG has contributed. The Reports of the Censor Committee for the period 2006-2008 were presented by Prof. Dr. C-tin Udriste as well. These included data regarding debits/credits, incomes/payments, sponsorships, and bank deposits according to the accounting documents. At the end, by open ballot, unanimously, it was approved the activity of the BSG for the period 2006-2008.

2. Prof. Dr. C-tin Udriste presented the development strategy of BSG. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Pripoae proposed that BSG be implied in research Grants, according to the existing laws, and appealed to the BSG members to provide support in the publication process of the four BSG scientific journals. All these were approved unanimously, by ballot.

3. The election of the Director Committee of SBG: Prof. Dr. C-tin Udriste proposes to preserve the existing structure of the Director Committee (Honorary President- Acad. Radu Miron; President- Constantin Udriste; Vice-Presidents-Vladimir Balan, Gheorghe Zet, Panayiotis C. Stavrinos, Gabriel Teodor Pripoae, Gheorghe Atanasiu, Mihai Anastasiei, Stere Ianus, Paul Popescu, Kostadin Trencevski, Virgil Obadeanu, Wladimir Boskoff; Executive Secretary-Vasile Iftode), and to add Prof.Dr. Mihai Postolache as Vice-President. The proposal is unanimously voted.

4. Prof. Dr. C-tin Udriste proposes that the Executive Board to be formed by Constantin Udriste, Mihai Anastasiei, Gabriel Teodor Pripoae. The proposal is unanimously voted.

5. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Atanasiu proposes the Censor Committee: Aneta Udriste, Marcela Popescu, Marius Paun. The proposal is unanimously voted.

6. Prof.dr. C-tin Udriste describes positive and negative aspects regarding the activity of BSG.

General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG),
27 August 2010 * University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

at The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2010)
joint with
The 6-th Conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers (CBSG-6)
and The 6-th International Colloquium of "Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics" (MENP-6 / mathematics sections)
August 25-28, 2010 Bucharest, Romania

Report at the General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG), 27 August, 2010

1. The Reports of the Director Committee and of the Censors Committee for 2009 and 2010. The approval of the activity of BSG.
2. Confirmations of the functions in the Director Committee and in the Censors Committee.

Attendance: 25 members of BSG from the participants of The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2010) joint with The 6-th Conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG-6) and The 6-th International Colloquium of "Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics" (MENP-6 / mathematics sections) * August 25-28, 2010 Bucharest, Romania.

1. Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste (President of BSG)
2. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Balan (Vice-President of BSG)
3. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Teodor Pripoae (Vice-President of BSG)

Works of the assemby.

1. Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste presents the Reports of the Director Committee for the period 2008-2010., insisting on positive and negative aspects regarding the activity of BSG. The Reports of the Censor Committee for the period 2008-2010 were presented also by Prof. Dr. C-tin Udriste. At the end, by open ballot, unanimously, these reports were sanctioned.

2. Prof.Dr. Gabriel Pripoae proposes to meintain the structures of the Director Committee and of the Censors Committee, as in 2008 (see the 2008.BSG Report). The proposal was unanimously voted.

The present report was edited in two copies by Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Balan , Prof. Dr. Gabriel Teodor Pripoae and by The BSG Secretary - Prof. Dr. Vasile Iftode.

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General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG), 6 - 9 October 2011 * University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

at The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2010)

Report at the General Assembly of the Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG), 6 - 9 October 2011.

1. The Reports of the Director Committee and of the Censors Committee for the period 2010-2011. The approval of the activity of BSG.
2. Confirmations of the functions in the Director Committee and in the Censors Committee.

Attendance:22 members of BSG from the participants of The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2011), October 6-9, 2011 Bucharest, Romania.

1. Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste (President of BSG)
2. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Balan (Vice-President of BSG)
3. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Teodor Pripoae (Vice-President of BSG)

Works of the assemby.

1. Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste presents the Reports of the Director Committee for the period 2010-2011, insisting on positive and negative aspects regarding the activity of BSG. The Reports of the Censor Committee for the period 2010-2011 were presented also by Prof. Dr. C-tin Udriste. At the end, by open ballot, unanimously, these reports were sanctioned.

2. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Pripoae proposes to meintain the structures of the Director Committee and of the Censors Committee, as in 2010 (see the 2011 BSG Report). The proposal was unanimously voted.

The present report was edited in two copies by Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Balan, Prof. Dr. Gabriel Teodor Pripoae and by The BSG Secretary - Prof. Dr. Ariana Pitea.

B.S.G. Contact data

Balkan Society of Geometers,
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 313,
Rectorate Building, Floor 4, Room R-419, RO-060042, Bucharest, Romania.

Phone number:

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